Pastor Steve’s

Amazon Best Sellers

Trump’s Unfinished Business 10 Prophecies to Save America

Trump’s Unfinished Business offers a prophetic template to change the face of politics & save the nation from moral rot & Civil War. In one book, you will find new applications of God’s commands that can be used to break up the Tech Giants’ monopoly, create a Digital Bill of Rights, reform Family Law, protect children, enshrine true equality, educate our youth, and deal sensibly with Climate Change.

“We need pastors and preachers to read this book “Trump’s Unfinished Business” and apply the Law of God correctly, and preach it again to America & the world.”


President of The Justice Foundation,

Lead counsel for Norma McCorvey (the “Roe” of Roe v. Wade) & Sandra Cano (“Doe” of Doe v. Bolton)

"The insights of this book will provide hope for the future of America & preserve its calling as a lighthouse to the nations during our turbulent times.”


CEO of Christ for the Nations

President Trump’s pro-Christian Accomplishments

This book compares the life and presidency of Donald J. Trump with Scripture and prophecy. Review the evidence. Judge for yourself. You will also find Dr. Ben Carson, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Dinesh D'Souza and many other people and events as they relate to the fight for freedom, righteousness and justice.

"Blown away" was the reaction of the Founder of the Return.
" evidence God has not forsaken America," says the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

"President Trump’s Pro-Christian Accomplishments" presents evidence the mainstream media does not want you to see. Donald Trump is not the man they claim him to be. Based on his four-year track record, he may be the most pro-Christian, pro-Church, and pro-Israel President we have ever seen.

2020 has been a year of pandemic and great trial, but this book will encourage you. God is setting America up for victory. He wants His people live in optimism and rejoice. As Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice.”

"I was blown away by Steve Cioccolanti’s new book and have never seen such a wonderfully-crafted, biblically-based prospective on godly leadership. This is so balanced that after reading it for yourself, I’m sure that you would agree with me that God has chosen His leader for the White House. I am equally sure that President Trump would be thoroughly encouraged by reading it for himself.
--Kevin Jessip

President of Global Strategic Alliance 

Founder and co-chair of 

"This book, a comprehensive view of President Trump’s accomplishments, is evidence that God has not forsaken America.
- Alveda Celeste King 

Director of Civil Rights for The Unborn

Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

"As usual, Steve Cioccolanti’s insights are Biblically powerful, pragmatic and prophetically eye-opening. A must-read.
- Allan Parker 

President of The Justice Foundation

“Steve Cioccolanti’s amazingly insightful and Spirit-filled new book feels as if the Lord was with him, whispering in his ear as he answered important questions gracefully and justly. Using the light of scriptures, he shines on the biggest achievements of the Trump years. It is tricky for believers sometimes to see how God is working and moving. Fortunately we have the Bible and thought-provoking pastors such as Pastor Cioccolanti to provide the wisdom and discernment we need to separate the light from the darkness—the facts from fiction.” 
- Andy Steffen

Christian business owner

“Reading this tribute to President Trump’s pro-Christian accomplishments brought me to actual tears…tears of joy! I realized in a greater way how much he deeply cares about our country and our people, even though he has been relentlessly and grossly maligned by the press. The facts in this book are not only essential to know for such a time as this, but will also make a great reference book for the annals of our time.” 

- Colette Stringfield-Rhodes

President of God’s Truth Ministries. Inc.

The Divine Code A ProPhetic Encyclopedia of Numbers, VOl. I

The 10th Anniversary Edition of 'The Divine Code', now in a beautiful 2-volume set, is ground-breaking in its scope. From history to prophecy, from apologetics to politics, numbers are everywhere but not clearly understood. Steve Cioccolanti has expanded this study of the meaning of numbers to include Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, Benjamin Netanyahu, Kim Clement, Osama bin Laden, the Third Temple, the 7 Noahide Laws, World War III, and much more. That is why it is 'A Prophetic Encyclopedia of Numbers.''The Divine Code' is a carefully researched exploration into the meaning of numbers, codes, cycles and patterns found in Scripture, nature, history, and prophecy. It demystifies familiar numbers like 7, 13, 666 and illuminates lesser known ones like 17, 58 and 708. Years of research and revelation have crafted this spiritual magnum opus that you will find an easy read and a joy to keep. Thought-provoking and highly practical, 'The Divine Code' is brimming with lively topics such as God, angels, demons, healing, dreams, different personalities, and end time prophecy. As you read it, you will fall in love with the Creator of Numbers. Let the Spirit of the Lord show you how to apply numbers to find meaning in life, fulfill your purpose, and prepare for eternity. Pick a chapter and you will find a surprising nugget of truth. As one reviewer raved, “This is the Bible of Numbers.” Volume I contains the number range 1 to 25. Volume II contains the number range 26 to 1000. “The Divine an excellent reference book that is extremely informative, inspirational and practical in every way…This excellent book has reconciled the extremes in doctrines and practices we see all around us, and brings forth the proper balanced Biblical perspective.” --PASTOR DENNIS BALCOMBE, Founder of Revival Chinese Ministries International, Missionary to Hong Kong since 1969"Bible Numerics is a subject that will never be exhausted. The Divine Code by Steve Cioccolanti certainly adds to this amazing and fascinating subject." --KEVIN CONNER, Internationally-Recognized Theologian and Author“There is NO OTHER BOOK like 'The Divine Code'…Pastor Cioccolanti is the first pastor I know to highlight God’s glory in the Bible through numbers in an entertaining way. I don’t think Christians appreciate the importance of numbers. They are afraid that they may be dabbling in Kabbalah or the occult, so this book is ground-breaking in educating people that God created numbers to glorify Him.”--LORILYN ROBERTS, Award-Winning Christian Author

Scam proof your life in the end times, justice & restoration for christians

Scams come in all sizes. Some are schoolyard scams by teenage bullies. Others are hedge-fund sized scams like Bernie Madoff’s Ponzi scheme. In our new digital age, there are scams involving e-commerce, ransomware online job interviews, bitcoin mining and cryptocurrency robberies. The list goes on and on.

Scammers can target anyone, but especially trusting people like Christians. That's why Jesus told Christians to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves (Matthew 10:16). By the time a scam is discovered, oftentimes the damage is done and hard to reverse. To sue for recovery in court may cost you an arm and a leg in stress and legal fees. To expect the government to fix your scam may take a very long time. Meanwhile, you’ve been hit. What can you do?

There is something that you can do if you’re a child of God. You just may not know it yet.

In this book, you will learn the steps to take both spiritually and naturally to find peace and justice once you’ve been scammed. You will also be equipped with practical ways to avoid the most common scams so you do not have to become a victim. If there is one thing most needed in the Body of Christ, it is wisdom. This book will make the law-abiding citizen wise.